To blogger, or to 360 ... hmmm.

So I finally got around to trying out the interface for Yahoo360. This began as a trip to the Apple website looking at the prices for the MacBook ... then migrated to MacBook Pro 17" ( wow ) ... then looked at the iMac 20" edition.

During that time I couldn't fail but notice the .Mac adds subtle and not so subtle placed everywhere I went. So I took a look at that, and well it does provide a very integrated experience that one could easily jump into, and not spend much time trying to get used to things. Mostly because it is extremely well tied together for Mac owners, ergo the brand .Mac!

As I perused the site I considered the costs involved, and the fact that no one I knew would be willing to pay $100 U.S. ( or more ) per year for this service. I began to think of what alternatives are available.

So here I am utilizing the very mature, and rock solid Blogger. I will (B)log my progress here, and maybe in a year or two as I keep updating this I'll be able to look back on this as a nice little historical tool for how the internet became a truly pervasive experience for communities ( network of friends ) at large.

Things I'll start with ( will add things in the future ):

  1. Photo sharing: Seems to be the number one topic for everybody to start with.
  2. (B)logging: How easy is it to start / maintain / change / move over etc.
  3. PodCasting: Sometimes text is just not enough, and audio is easy to listen to while you work on something else. At least I tend to!
  4. vPodCasting: Ok, for those times when you really want to share that incredible idea you had for a TV show, but no TV Network in it's right mind will produce, and distribute it for you.
  5. Basics: eMail / Personal Site ( different from a Blog site, for now ) / Calendaring / ToDo Lists / Contact Management / File Storage.
  6. OS Support: What it just runs on Windows ... hmmm ... guess I won't be using that! With a few caveats to be explained at a later date.
  7. Really 6a ( Platform Support ): Mobile platform support.
  8. API: How many services do they expose? What languages do they support? Are there any onerous usage restrictions? Can you mash them up? Create alternate monetized services that use the API's? At what cost? Submit any questions for item 8 that interest you, and I'll pop them on my checklist.
Well that's gist of my current goals for this hobby of mine.

Thanks for taking the time to read all that, and if your interested check back every 2 or 3 days, I'm going to be making a concerted effort to have updates from all the big boys once every few days.

It will be interesting to see how many of them leave up my links to the other blogs that I will be starting as part of this experiment. That will be a test of exactly how much trust we can put in these huge online behemoths that are currently battling it out for the all important mind share.

It has just occurred to me that I will likely have to take a trip to the massively hyped, to make a proper analysis of the current social fad that has made myspace so apparently popular.



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